Source: CMIE Economic Outlook, 1 Finance Research


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What does Assessment and Expectation for Overall Business Situation (Services) data represent?

  • This is a survey based data, comprising assessments and forecasts made by businesses within the services sector regarding their current and future business situation. It reflects the confidence and outlook of service providers.
  • The survey includes responses from various firms in the services sector. The RBI periodically collects data from these firms regarding their current and expected future business situations.
  • The data typically includes survey responses on various aspects such as revenue expectations, hiring plans, investment plans, and perceptions of market conditions.

What is the significance of Assessment and Expectation for Overall Business Situation (Services) data?

  • The data is a primary indicator of the future prospects of the services sector and offers insights into broader economic trends, including consumer demand, business investment, and employment.
  • The data can provide valuable feedback on the effectiveness of economic and sector-specific policies. It also reflects the impact of broader market conditions on the services sector.
  • Helpful for the investors and analysts to make informed decisions about investments in different sectors.

How to interpret the Assessment and Expectation for Overall Business Situation (Services) data?

  • The net response is calculated by subtracting the percentage of negative responses ('worse'/'decrease') from the percentage of positive responses ('better'/'increase'). The resulting figure, which ranges from -100 to +100, indicates the overall sentiment. A positive net response signifies optimism (expansion), while a negative response indicates pessimism (contraction).
  • Analysing this data helps in understanding the overall economic outlook and the level of confidence among service sector businesses.